Basic Pickleball Line Call Rules

What Do the Lines on a Pickleball Court Mean? 

A pickleball court is 20ft wide and 44ft long. The USA Pickleball Rule Book states, a total playing surface 30ft by 60ft is the minimum recommended size. A total size of 34ft by 64ft is preferred.

Each line on a pickleball court marks a boundary for how the game is played. The lines inform the calls and your approach and strategy for each shot. Here is a quick reference of the key lines in pickleball:

  1. The Baseline marks the outer edge of the back of the pickleball court.
  2. Sidelines run the length of the court on each side and set the width.
  3. The Centerline is used for serving and runs the length of the center of the court. It defines where a ball must bounce after being served.
  4. The Non-Volley Zone Line or Kitchen Line is unique to pickleball in marking the area where special rules apply for when and how a ball can be hit.  The NVZ is a seven-foot area on each side of the net, running the width of the court. You can read all about the NVZ in our previous blog post here.

What Are the Lines for Serving in Pickleball

In pickleball, for a serve to be considered "in" the ball must land within the designated service court but may not land in the NVZ. The designated service area is opposite the server's side, defined by the baseline, sideline, and centerline. If the ball lands outside the service court's boundaries, the serve is "out." 

A unique feature of pickleball is that the ball cannot land in the Kitchen (NVZ) or on the NVZ line when served. It must pass the NVZ line to be considered good. Additionally, if the ball touches the net and lands in the service area (not in the Kitchen), it is considered in play. This differs from tennis, where a "let-ball" is an automatic redo. The point is over if the ball touches the net and lands in the Kitchen. 

What Are the Hand Signals For Line Calls

Learning the signals can be helpful, especially when playing on noisy courts. Hand signals help you look like a pro and communicate quickly to the other team and your partner. 

To signal an "out" call when the ball is long, like past the baseline, raise one arm straight up with your index finger pointing up. If the ball is in and good, hold one hand out horizontally with your palm facing down. If the ball goes too far left or right, you can point in the direction of the line to indicate it was outside the line. 

When starting your serve, make eye contact to ensure everyone is ready. You can also hold up the ball or tap your paddle as an accompanying signal. When passing the ball to the other side, do it in a way that makes it easy to continue the game, which usually means returning the ball to the next server. 

Balls from other courts can often enter the court on which you are playing. Because this poses a risk of injury, when this happens, raise a hand or both hands with palms facing your opponents to stop play. It is also good to shout "ball" to make sure no one steps on the stray ball.  

Pickleball Line Call Rules: How do I Know if the Ball is In or Out?

The fundamental rules for calling pickleball lines are as follows: If the pickleball is "in," the rally continues. The point is over if the pickleball is "out" for the player or team that hit it out of bounds.

When calling a pickleball "out," make sure you can clearly see the space between the line and where the ball landed. To get the best view of close calls, it helps to look from the inside of the court across the line to the outside. This angle lets you see if there's any space between the line and the ball. It's harder to judge from directly on top of the line or from the outside of the court looking in, so try to position yourself where you can get the clearest view possible!

What if my Teammate Makes a Bad Line Call?

One of the beautiful things about pickleball is that it encourages positivity, fairness, and good sportsmanship.  Pickleball players make the line calls on their respective side of the pickleball court, including if they make a foot fault by stepping on the NVZ line for a volley.

Especially in Open Play, give your opponents the benefit of the doubt. Generosity in line calling and helping out the other team when you know your ball was out-of-bounds is a great way to enjoy the game and enhance the friendliness and positive experience. 

If your teammate calls a ball out that you know was clearly in, in all fairness, overcalling your teammate may be the right thing to do. A person's position on the court can alter their perspective of the ball's position on the line. Except for the NVZ, it is considered in play if the ball hits any part of the line.

Can I Play Pickleball on a Tennis Court?

Tennis courts are often converted to pickleball courts at local parks and are marked with two sets of lines—one for pickleball and one for tennis. The courts have similarly named lines, except for the NVZ. To demarcate the sports, tennis lines are usually marked in white. The color of pickleball court lines can vary, often depending on the base color of the courts. Keeping track of the ball and the lines can be challenging when playing on a dual marked court.

The net's height is another complication of playing on a dedicated tennis court marked with Pickleball lines. A tennis net is higher (and wider) than a pickleball net. The dimensions of a pickleball net are 36 inches high at the outer edges and 34 inches in the middle. (This is why it is slightly more challenging to hit a ball down the line). A tennis net is 42 inches at the posts, and dips in the middle to 36 inches. 

Feeling confident about pickleball rules and how to make calls can boost your confidence and keep you returning to the courts for more games. 

Another way to boost your game is by choosing apparel that combines style with function. Explore Saltie Rose high-performance and stylish pickleball apparel and look as good as your game. Saltie Rose Pickleball Shorts allow you to move  freely and stay comfortable, with convenient pockets for your phone. Throw a Bomber Jacket on, on your way to the court or between games to complete your look. Lastly, all products in the Black and White Collection are made from moisture-wicking fabrics to help keep you dry. Saltie Rose has every element of your outfit to elevate your on-court experience.

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